Thursday, 3 May 2012

Where is my Enthu?

         The day i entered in IIT. The only aim of mine was to learn and learn as much as you can. The only thought in my mind was learn with limitless boundaries and i have enjoyed the consequences of it but all of sudden the aim was shifting from learning to making marks and i was hanging between the two sides of the rope where one side is learning and another side marks. I started blogging and took some good initiatives but in the mean time i feel that i have not done proper justice with what i thought and what i did. Initial days were very satisfying and they were increasing my self belief. I could not maintain  my persistence and discipline.
   I don't know but, I am distracting from my goal. Why i am going like very passive. You should be proactive saurabh. Really I Need motivation.
For What and why i get distracted, i don't know but god please help me to get the same enthusiasm and zeal as i was having before. How can some one distract me.... One reason of my distraction is, my very bad and worthy less investment of time on Internet. I just over utilizing the Internet and getting under utilized performance.
              I think i have to take the initiative and i have to create the environment that is beneficial for all. (Random thought came in my mind and wrote it ..)
         One problem also, that sometimes i don't deliver "gyaan" which i have with me to others... and here techbuddy's concept "read" "write" and "speak" i am not applying.
Facebook, orkut all social networking sites are just useless fellows, why i have wasted my lot of time on them.
Hey one thing you should know how to use these resources (Facebook, gmail, and internet......). I should make them my slave not like they make me slave.
      Today Someone inspired me. The name of the guy is Aakash and this post is dedicated to him only. What a worthy guy he is. I always love to talk with him. I like his attitude towards life, great great really. He is really true motivation for me. Aakash you really motivated me today.  I read about several personalities, all have done great and inspirational work in their respective domains but i never communicated with them.
Last book i have read was describing the personalities of several corporate Tycoons like
Ashank desai, Ashok Wadhwa, Dilip Chabaria, Zia Moody, Suresh Talwar, Atul Nishar, and so many but did not communicated with them ever in my life.
There are lot who motivated me, one of them is my father, Aakash is also there in the list. The real thing is that i can make conversation with them and sort out my problems.
Last two or three para i am saying about aakash but i know you are bit irritated that who is this guy and what does he do ?
             He is an entrepreneur by profession having his own company "MindField Technologies" and doing whatever is his passion. There are also some of the characteristics he is sharing with the big tycoons. Like his simple and jolly nature, always happy, enthusiastic (I am lacking with that but he made me that if i can do it you can also do it.), he don't underestimate others, and helping (this is the biggest characteristic and very common among entrepreneurs) and also sound technical skills.  ( I also want to share these characteristics).
             One of the latest achievement of MindField that they made 3d printer. We are very less aware about 3d printer, When I got to know that they made 3d printer i thought what is 3d printer it prints 3d objects or what, i mean what it does? If you don't know just search 3d printer on YOU TUBE and you will get to know about it....

In some sense i am publicizing their company but  i know they deserve  it.
Even he has small company but motivating and accessible to me :).

hey saurabh you can also do it. If anytime and at any point you feel distracted saurabh just open this post and read it.
This time i am again recollecting  my strengths i think i will make best out of me.
                                   Appreciation is the key ... 

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