This Article i wrote a long time ago but still in my memories the situation of that period and specially dedicated to my B.Tech friends and those who faced similar kind of situation as now the issue is over but still we have to think about it.

                                    It is a matter of great disappointment and disgrace that government is taking measure against 44 deemed universities. Here I want to disclose some truth about it:-
If MHRD ministry thinks that after de recognizing situation will become smoother and the quality of higher education will be better after that then it is very wrong initiative.
                   I know universities are not functioning correctly but you have to target on the management of the universities a suggestion from me only suggestion. As you are the union minister for HRD as a reputed educationalist

because the facts are:-

                   1. I have read the article of MHRD on 17 September, 2009 that government approved 10 NIT'S.
                   2. Government is considering new proposals of nit's and iit's for establishing them.
                   3. The classes are going to be taking place on the leased campuses.
                   4. I know the situation of the new iit's that are approved by government.
                   5.New IIT's are facing problem of campus and faculty.Government Providing lot of funds to them but (money is not solution) still not comparable with the old IIT'S
                   6. Government could not provide place and funds to these institutions which are known for there facilities and one of the best institutions in India.
                       Here I want to point out that if government can not provide basic facilities to these institutions then why it is opening these institutions either for making money or for making junk engineers.
                   7. If government will cancel the status of the established universities and will open the new universities and IIT'S NIT'S then how higher education can be improved I am asking you Hon'ble minister sahab.
The aforesaid facts are very small data, there is lot of data that point out the misleading strategies of government.
Here some of the suggestion from the students of India (not one) but the youth representing India: -
1. If you truly want to do reform in education system then target management of the universities who are responsible for corruption because it is not solution to………………………………...... .
2. And you can improve the existing facilities of those universities give them the status of NIT'S or IIT'S because they have existing facilities with them you have to only consider the improvement for these universities i know this procedure is difficult but not impossible.
3. Target on the root of corruption.
4.  Better to not open so many iit's and nits because due to this they can loose there national importance.
5. Quality education does not mean it.

Now enclosing the facts that what can happen on the fate of students who are studying in these universities -
1.  Suicide attempts by the students.
2. They will think themselves as looser.
3.This decision will not affect the persons who are managing these universities only the grant will  not provided to them but still they will increase the extra burden on the students by increasing there fees the only persons affected by this decision will be the innocent students.
4. Strike attempts by students.
5. These innocent students can face jail term for attempting those strikes and for showing there anger to the management of college or university.

In conclusion I want to say that the reform will not take place by taking these decisions do something worthy.